Author Archives: Admin

Should You Allow Your French Bulldog to Sleep in Your Bed?

The first question you might ask is: Should you allow your French Bulldog to sleep on your bed? It’s a perfectly natural instinct for Frenchies to want to sleep next to their owners. This is because they are incredibly loving dogs that want to be close to their people, whether it’s for warmth, security, or […]

When is a French Bulldog No Longer a Puppy?

You’ve probably wondered when is a French bulldog no longer a puppy. It’s very important that you begin teaching your puppy manners at a young age. They may start out as a pup oblivious to your commands, but as time passes, they will begin to understand and follow commands. During this phase, you should continue […]

The Benefits of Owning a French Bulldog

A French Bulldog’s gentle temperament makes them a great pet for families with children. They love to play and are often great playmates. However, they don’t like being left alone and need to be around their owners at all times. While French Bulldogs don’t usually display aggression toward young children, you should watch them closely. […]

How Often Should a French Bulldog Be Checked by a Vet?

Your French bulldog’s health and lifespan depend on regular checkups and excellent veterinary care. Regular visits to your vet will help you keep your dog healthy and happy, while also ensuring its safety. Most vets recommend annual exams for adult dogs. French Bulldogs are susceptible to a number of common illnesses. It is important to […]

Are French Bulldogs Easy to Travel With?

Are French Bulldogs easy to travel with? That’s a common question, but the answer varies widely. It depends on the travel destination and your dog’s size and temperament. There are several things you should consider before boarding a plane. First, be sure to find out the airline’s policies regarding animals. Some will not allow animals […]

How to Prevent Your French Bulldog From Being Afraid

Is it possible to prevent your French Bulldog from being afraid of new things? Yes, your dog is probably scared of many things, including veterinarians. By introducing new things in a positive manner, you can help your dog overcome its fear of vets. Here are some tips to help you deal with your Frenchie’s fear. […]

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